Thursday, July 13, 2006

Booom Blaa

In the light of current bombings Mumbaikars have been praised for their never-say-die spirit. Mumbai has been acclaimed for its ability to restore to normalcy almost instantaneously. I think these are very kind and encouraging words. I also think Mumbaikars live in a situation that can at best be labeled as 'no-option'.

We had similar blasts in Delhi also last year just before Diwali but the celebrations did not stop. The life did not stop. The markets flourished as ever.

Some people then also said it is the spirit of the city. Some people had said the un-affected people who continue to celebrate their Diwali are callous. I have a different understanding of the phenomenon Mumbai or Delhi or any other place here in Bharat exhibit.

Ours is a populous country. Let’s accept it - life is cheaper here. In a country of a Billion a few hundred is a small number. As the victims were being fired to ashes, the Sensex was soaring! What is the impact on GDP? Nothing much the share-bazaar pundits opine.

We have a long history of experiencing terrorism and have not been able to eradicate it. Let’s accept it - we have come to accept terrorism just like we accept fiery acts of nature or god.

In a life that is already stretched and severely constricted for paucity of infrastructure and its resultant debilitating situations, one doesn’t want to impose yet another confining constraint. Let’s accept it there would be floods, there would be lightening and then there would be the bombs.

How else do you think the citizens could react? Or should react? If not by getting up the next morning and continuing to run business as usual?

Yes sometimes there would be knee-jerk reactions from worried grand-mothers who will make futile attempts to stop their grand-sons from venturing out. Those would be exceptions. Some might contemplate giving up traveling by local train. But those who are familiar with Mumbai's structure know it is not a viable long term option. No it is not even a viable short-term option. Besides we all understand that lightening can fall just about anywhere. The probability that it would fall exactly on the same place twice is miniscule.
So we do not know when and where the next bombing will happen. In the meantime – पतली गली से कट ले और अपने काम पर चल।


Rajiv said...

हां, ये तो सच है कि मुम्बई वासियों के पास ज्यादा option नहीं था और ये शहर की सभ्यता का कोई बड़्प्पन वगैरा नहीं है कि कोई खास reaction नहीं हुआ.

मगर इतना तो मानना ही पड़ेगा कि Media के ज्यादा कवरेज से शिवसेना और कुछ हद तक भाजपा जैसे दलों को समझ आई है कि दंगा भड़्काने से उनके वोट बढ्ने के बजाय घटने का ज्यादा अंदेशा है. हां कुछ समझदार लोगों को ये भी शायद समझ आया हो कि राष्ट्रहित दलहित से ज्यादा बडा है, हालांकि मुझे इस बात की उम्मीद कुछ ज्यादा नहीं है.

चलो अच्छा है, देर आयद दुरुस्त आयद

पंकज बेंगाणी said...

भाईसाहब आपकी पृविष्टि नारद मे आती है क्योंकि यह ब्लोग हिन्दी मे है. फिर यह अंग्रेजी पृविष्टि लिखना ठीक नही.

संजय बेंगाणी said...

भई हमे तो अंग्रेजी आती नहीं इस लिए प्रतिक्रिया ले नहीं सकते. शायद नारदजी ने नियमो में ढ़ील दी हैं.

खुन्दक said...

पंकज, यह मेरा ब्लॉग है। ना हिन्दी का ना अंग्रेज़ी का। मैंने तो नारद में कुछ नहीं भेजा! कुछ टेक्नॉलॉजी का चक्कर लगता है - सम्बद्ध व्यक्तियों से बात करें।

ई-छाया said...

खून्दक भाई,
आप अगर हिंदी में लिखेंगे तो ज्यादा लोगों तक पँहुचेंगे, मै चाहता हूँ कि आप नारद से भी जुडे रहें और हिंदी में लिखें, क्योंकि आपका लेखन मुझे अच्छा लगता है।